We are running a sale on all bottom paints. We just got our shipment of paint for next year and we are selling it at the same price from last year plus $10.00 off per gallon! Prices will go up after the new year, so now is the time to pick some up at some great savings.
Here are some prices on gallons
Interlux Micron Extra - Reg. $209.99 - SALE $199.99
Interlux ACT - Reg. $139.99 - SALE $129.99
Interlux Micron CSC - Reg $189.99 - SALE $179.99
Interlux Trilux 33 - Reg. $209.99 - SALE $199.99
Interlux Epoxycop(discontinued) - Reg. $99.99 - SALE $89.99
Pettit Unepoxy - Reg. $79.99 - SALE $69.99
Pettit Ultima SSA - Reg. $89.99 - SALE $79.99
Pettit Horizions - Reg. $179.99 - SALE $169.99
Pettit Hydrocoat - Reg. $119.99 - SALE $109.99
Pettit Vivid - Reg. $219.99 - SALE $209.99
Aquagard Bottom Paint - Reg. $104.99 - SALE $94.99
Aquagard II Bottom Paint - Reg. $139.99 - SALE $129.99
Sale Expires 12/31/2009 - No other offer apply - In-stock only