The Egberts family has been representing Allstate for over 40 years and three generations. We are a family agency; the staff consists of my wife Pat Egberts, the agency owner, myself (Barnegat Fishin' Hole Rudy2510), my daughter Cindy, my nephew Herb and my sister-in-law Laura. Our office is also privileged to have Anthony DeGeralamo, CFP®, CLU® here to help you with your financial needs and questions.

My fellow Barnegat Fishin' Hole members, we will not solicit you, but we will be glad to review your current insurance, answer questions and provide you with a free no obligation quote on your insurance needs. We offer 24/7 customer service so you can get the help you need when you need it. Our family has been fishing and boating forever so why not allow an insurance office that understands your passion insure your boat and equipment.

I can be reached at:
1575 Almonesson Rd., Deptford, NJ 08096
(856) 481-4817 Office
(866) 495-9911 Toll Free
(856) 245-7358 Fax

Tight Lines,

Rudy Egberts
Rudy Egberts