My Wife Diann,our dog Lindy and I fished on Monday with friends Tara,Paul,Jon ,Chris and Dani .We pulled in just a little north of the Hot Dog and saw mid water and surface bait the water temp was from 71 to 75 degrees and clean blue green, We had sheerwaters and everything looked. We caught 4 Mahi, had a white marlin up and jumped off 2 other Mahi,along with a few short bites. We did not get a tuna bite in this area.In the picture below you will only see 3 Mahi we did cook one up Diann and Tara made us FRESH blackened Mahi Sandwiches with avocado, lettuce ,tomato and a mayo mustard sauce we look forward to these sandwiches every year, kind of a tradition for us.Fun Fishing,Calm seas decent action and great food ! Pic on FB and Web site