Somewhat of a quiet week for us now that we're into September and anxiously awaiting the start of the fall striper run. I was out three days this week. Monday was a solo jaunt on the last day of this year's abbreviated fluke season in a fairly dense fog that stretched almost 8 miles out from the inlet. But the fish were out there and cooperative. What a shame we're being shut down at the start of the best time of year for fluke fishing, with fluke at their highest level of abundance in the almost 40 years I've fished for them. Something's gotta change.

Friday's weakfish trip with Pennsylvanian Greg Todd turned out to be somewhat slow, with only a couple of keepers joining a bunch of bluefish in the box. Maybe it was the suddenly chilly nights we've started having, because by today the weakies were back in form and cooperating again as the LaMarca family (Fred, Arlene and Matt) put a dozen keepers from 18 to 25 inches in the box. As usual this year, there were also plenty of bluefish around to keep things interesting.

We'll be starting to get the striper gear ready over the next week or so, and our first delivery of live spots should be here shortly. This should be another good year for fall bassin', so it's time to get your trips booked. I still have several prime weekdays open, but things are going to fill up once the catching gets started, so give me a call if you're looking to get out this year.
Capt. Jack Shea