The hot and humid weather made things a little uncomfortable even on the water this week, but the weakfish continued to make being out there worthwhile.

Monday I had Montclair's Bob Sharbaugh and Wade Layton bring their 12 year old daughters Sarah and Emma out for a morning of fishing, and the crew landed 40-50 weakies in the 15-22" class before heading in to escape the heat. Tuesday saw PA's Matt Cooper and son Kevin back for some light tackle catch and release fun, and the fish really turned on for them. By the time we headed back in at noon, the guys had released close to 70 weakfish to 24" plus 15-20 small bluefish.

Conditions were a little tougher on Wednesday when the south wind cranked up, creating a wind against tide situation in most of my favorite back bay spots. But with a little creative anchor bridling and some determination on their part, the Hough family toughed it out casting into the wind to put 14 fat keepers plus a few small blues in the box for some excellent dining. Then Friday I had Pittsburgh's Ed Borkowski with son Mike back again, boxing eight fish to 21" before racing back in to beat the storms.

We're not seeing the huge numbers of fish we've seen in recent years, when landing over a hundred fish per day was almost expected. But the quality of the fish this year has more than made up for it, with average fish being 16-18" and fish over 20" being common. We do all of our back bay weakfishing casting and retrieving small jigs using 4 to 6 pound test tackle, and when these fish hit and the drag starts screaming everyone, young and old, gets excited. This fishing should continue well into September, so let's go fishing.
Capt. Jack Shea