The weakfishing in Barnegat Bay remained pretty good this week, although we're starting to see signs of it slowing down as the fish get ready to move out. Being out there as the sun comes up has been key to catching these fish, as the back bay boat traffic targeting weakfish has been pretty intense this year due to the premature closure of our fluke fishery.

Monday I had Rodger Bogardus bring visiting guest Pete Hill from the UK out to sample our fishing, and the guys put together a limit of nice 16-23" weakfish tossing plastics. Pink fin-s and BKD's were again the most consistent producers. Tuesday saw Dr. Richard Landry up from Louisiana to compare our weakies with their specks, and he came away impressed with the quality of our fishery as well. While the action was somewhat sporadic in a dense morning fog, the fish he caught were the typical broad shouldered trout we've been seeing this summer and gave good accounts of themselves on 6 pound tackle. Wednesday saw John DeBona from The Fisherman magazine bring his nephew Anthony out to experience weakfishing at its finest in Barnegat Bay, and the weakies and bluefish cooperated pretty much all morning. Pink plastics were again the ticket at first light, but switching over to sandworms and live peanut bunker kept the bite going strong despite the heavy boat traffic.

Hopefully the cool night air we're experiencing will start bringing the back bay waters down a bit, and transition us into our fall fishery. The weakfish have been fun all summer long, but now it's time to bring on the striped bass. I'll be switching over to stripers by next weekend and stick with them through December. There are still a few weekdays open during prime season for anyone interested.
Capt. Jack Shea