Here at SEA\\TOW we never stop trying to give our members the most money can buy. So, without further ado, we have started a boat insurance company STRICTLY for SEA\\TOW members. It is called SEA\\INSURE. It is so new that we just launched it at the AC Boat show with tremendous results. The savings is only one part of it. By far, the best policy for the money out there. Either call me and we will take your info for a free quote or come see us at one of the shows. I wouldn't put this on here if I was scepticle in any way. We will be at the Southern Regional Fishing Flea Market on the 17th of Feb. if you want some literature or have questions.

Also, for you guys that venture offshore. We have probably the coolest thing I have seen in a long time. It is called sea\\smart. Basically you can make a phone call, yes a phone call from your DSC enabled VHF radio. That means I can talk to you if you are 60, 70, 80 + miles out as if we were on the telephone. Trust me. It is impressive. If you want, I can give live demonstrations at the office or you can go to this link.

As always, be safe and let me know if there is anything we can do for you.
Capt. Shawn