QUESTION: BFH Year-Long Tournament

Posted by: Jersey Joe

QUESTION: BFH Year-Long Tournament - 05/10/13 10:24 AM

We need to adjust the Monthly Largest Fish categories due to regulations changes for 2013. Mainly what month we make Sea Bass. It is only open for three days in September so that isn't really fair. If we move it to July and move Summer Flounder to September, currently Summer Flounder is to close September 16th but we anticipate an extension to the 27th. The problem is we won't know if we get the extension until July 11th. Another option would be to swap Sea Bass and Bluefish but that would only allow 14 days of the month for fishing for Sea Bass and again not really fair.

What do you guys think? Do we roll the dice and hope that we get the extension on Summer Flounder and change Sea Bass to July and Summer Flounder to August and September?