Barnegat Fishin' Hole Annual Rules
1. All entrants must be registered Barnegat Fishin' Hole users.
2. You must register at least 7 days before weighing in any fish.
3. Fish must be in compliance to the NJ fishing regulations as far a size and season.

Try to register early so everyone will have an idea of the planned payout amounts.

Mail your check made out to Barnegat Fishin' Hole for the entrance fee to the address below.
Please put your USERNAME on the check so I know who it's from!!!

Barnegat Fishin' Hole
PO Box 66
Garwood NJ 07027-0066

Weigh-in slips can be printed from this Web Page
or a business card or weigh-slip of your local tackle shop.
an mailed to the address above!