thru hulls: grady white is famous for their use of nylon thru hulls on their older boats-shamrock used them to almost the end of them building the boat,other mfg's continue to use them-why...
the nylon becomes brittle and the thru hull breaks off-if it's a bilge pump outlet,the pump runs,and continues to run,water is never expelled.if the thru hull is at or near the water line,in the case of a fish box drain,you've really got problems...smartest play you can make,is to repalce them all with stainless-peace of mind !! replacing the hose at the same time is even smarter...get in the habit of using sanitation hose for bilge pump outlets-it's smooth,and it will not restrict the water flow...i've typed about this before,washdown/live well hose-the hose from the pick up to the pump,and beyond,use strictly engine intake/exhaust certified hose,do not use the cheap stuff-you're asking for is the time to check all of this not forget to check the drain hoses-if applicable,these hoses are from the scuppers in the cockpit,to the thru hulls,these hoses can break at the worst time,leaving you with a large hole-not good yourselves a favor,perform a good complete check out of the boat,do it now,if you see something that looks like a potential problem,take care of it now...
jim anderson
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