Not too much new to report this week. The weakfishing in the bay remains good to excellent with fish in the 18 to 24 inch range being pretty common. While grass shrimp is still working, the fish are fattening up on peanut bunker so it probably won't be too long until they start making their move out of the bay. Bluefish are still abundant both in the back bay and the inlet areas. We'll continue to concentrate on weakies for the next week or so before making the switch over to striped bass for the remainder of the year.

We did spend part of the time on yesterday's trip checking the inlet areas for striped bass, but the bluefish made it pretty tough to keep a whole bait in the water for more than a couple of minutes. That situation should get better as more of the bluefish move down the beach chasing the baitfish that are heading south for the winter. The best fishing of the year is about to begin, so let's go fishing.
Capt. Jack Shea