While talking to a bait shop owner recently about dogfish regulations, it got me thinking I better get all this straight. Did you know there were regulations on smooth dogfish? Try and find a clear answer to this. I dare you. I tried.

I finally got in touch with Roy Williams of the State of Delaware Department of Natural Resources. As we speak, Mr. Williams is at week long shark hearing, being held by the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission. One of the topics of the hearing is the current and future management of smooth dogfish. Mr. Williams wrote:

The smooth dogfish is not subject to the seasonal restrictions. The proposed daily catch limits are one per boat and one per person on the boat for a total of 5 if there are 4 persons on the boat. For shore fishermen the limit is 2 smooths per day. However, today the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission initiated action to delete this species from the shark plan and deal with the species in a separate addendum. This addendum won't be approved until August at the earliest. My recommendation,, is to delete smooth dogfish from our proposed regulation for now. I will send you details after I return to the office.

So, there's no seasonal restrictions but there are actually restrictions in place. Even though this is Delaware, it's my understanding that NJ is subject to this in order to be in compliance with the Atlantic States Marine Fisheries Commission regs. In February, a proposal was made by the ASMFC to remove any regulations on smooth dogfish for recreational fishermen. However, according to Mr. Williams, this most likely will not be voted and approved and on the books until August 1st. How do they come up with this stuff?

The other question is: Do they have to be 48" like other regulated shark species? That's a big smooth dogfish.

If anyone has anything clearer on this, feel free to enlighten us because as usual, these regulations are very confusing.
